Friday, May 14, 2010

Bogota, Colombia

Last week Pastor Cleetus, Abel and I were fortunate enough to take a trip to Bogota, Colombia. The reason being we felt the Holy Spirit to go and start a DBC Colombia with a pastor name Juli and his wife Yurra. A lot of what he said confirmed that this was a genuine thing. Bogota was unlike I expected in that it reminded me of the States as far as city structure. The people there were very kind and we were well taken care of. The Latin American people are very hungry for God to reach the Outcast.We met in the rented hotel conference room and about 40 people showed up to hear us speak. I was very blessed by the people's hunger for God. Holy Spirit met us and I know of at least one woman healed and others hearts were drawn back to the Lord. This church plant will take patience and prayer. We do not expect it to look just like our American churches or even their own South American churches. We want them to have the freedom to be however the Holy Spirit shows them. We expect Spirit Filled, Prophetic, Preachers of the Gospel!

I am praying for a wildfire of churches to spring up so that many more of South American Outcast can be reach with the Gospel of Christ.

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