Saturday, May 15, 2010


1 Wedding and a Funeral

Congrats to Anthony and Amanda for tying the knot at DBC. They married on 5/14 and their scripture was Eph. 5:14.
You gotta love it when the bride has a mohawk! Unfortunately my grandmother's funeral was the same day.
Highlight of the wedding was when Amanda gave Anthony her promise ring she had been wearing since thirteen years old that she would stay pure for him and her family. Awesome.
Theses two are going to do wonderful things for Jesus.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Bogota, Colombia

Last week Pastor Cleetus, Abel and I were fortunate enough to take a trip to Bogota, Colombia. The reason being we felt the Holy Spirit to go and start a DBC Colombia with a pastor name Juli and his wife Yurra. A lot of what he said confirmed that this was a genuine thing. Bogota was unlike I expected in that it reminded me of the States as far as city structure. The people there were very kind and we were well taken care of. The Latin American people are very hungry for God to reach the Outcast.We met in the rented hotel conference room and about 40 people showed up to hear us speak. I was very blessed by the people's hunger for God. Holy Spirit met us and I know of at least one woman healed and others hearts were drawn back to the Lord. This church plant will take patience and prayer. We do not expect it to look just like our American churches or even their own South American churches. We want them to have the freedom to be however the Holy Spirit shows them. We expect Spirit Filled, Prophetic, Preachers of the Gospel!

I am praying for a wildfire of churches to spring up so that many more of South American Outcast can be reach with the Gospel of Christ.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

To post again

It's been a long time since I posted. I really like to write things down that are happening in life. Mostly for me to read. I like that no one really sees this. I think...
Yesterday I had to drive to Alphagraphics and it took a good 40min there and back. Which gave me time to pray in the best way: Quiet + Driving + Early Morning = Enjoyable Prayer.
My Grandma also passed away yesterday. She had been sick for a while. She was ready to go I think.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

New Art

This was done with Oil Pastels. I've never used them and probably did not apply them correctly. I like to just go for it when I use a new medium. I realized in the middle of it, the guy looks a lot like my friend Dylan, so I finished it with that in mind. The flames on the side are the souls he evangelizes to. I just know a fire for God is lit in the folks he speaks to.

This is oil paint on wood. I don't really know anything about oil paints either, I just went for it.

Friday, November 14, 2008


I wanted to post this pic of our pumpkin. We bought it at a pumpkin patch in Grapevine the day before Halloween. I tried my best to carve my candle/skull drawing. I learned a few things to do different next time.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Here's a flyer I made for this week. The only problem is it's not going to happen. Some of the band members couldn't make it in time. I'm still happy with the flyer though.