Sunday, December 28, 2008

New Art

This was done with Oil Pastels. I've never used them and probably did not apply them correctly. I like to just go for it when I use a new medium. I realized in the middle of it, the guy looks a lot like my friend Dylan, so I finished it with that in mind. The flames on the side are the souls he evangelizes to. I just know a fire for God is lit in the folks he speaks to.

This is oil paint on wood. I don't really know anything about oil paints either, I just went for it.

Friday, November 14, 2008


I wanted to post this pic of our pumpkin. We bought it at a pumpkin patch in Grapevine the day before Halloween. I tried my best to carve my candle/skull drawing. I learned a few things to do different next time.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Here's a flyer I made for this week. The only problem is it's not going to happen. Some of the band members couldn't make it in time. I'm still happy with the flyer though.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Alice, TX

So the MacGregor clan (Me, Karyl, Scotland, Selah & Cameo) took a trip to South Texas a few weeks ago. We went to pick up my mother who was caring for my sick Grandmother.

Our older sister Tara, died a few years ago and she's buried in Alice. It had been a while since we visited the grave. What was a solemn moment driving through the cemetery became a laugh fest. As we were passing all the graves we noticed a women laying on a grave yelling HELP! HELP! Well of course I jumped out to help her. Apparently she had fallen and hurt her leg and she had been yelling for help to her husband who was sitting in their truck the whole time. She wasn't hurt very bad at all and everyone kind of laughed about it. Cameo said, "We can't go nowhere without something dysfunctional happening"! It was one of those moments that seemed a lot funnier than you could write about.

We finally arrived to Tara's grave site. She died of cancer at age 23. I love her and miss her.


So were driving in my cousin's neighborhood and she's like, "Oh, yeah, there's where Jesus appeared." We passed a wooden telephone pole and sure enough the image of Jesus' face was on it.

I don't know why but this was the funniest thing to me. There were fake flowers and candles all next to it. I don' t know if these people were really worshiping it or was it a joke. The image really is the wood grain of the pole though.

I just really enjoyed finding this thing!

But all in all it was a great trip to Alice and I got to pray with my family there. God is good.